Shri S. N. Tavaria ji

Breathe in love, Breathe out forgiveness.

Dr. Dara J. Bhesania.

Shri S. N. Tavaria ji

Breathe in love, Breathe out forgiveness.

Shri Tavaria Ji has given responsibility to teach and spread his teachings to some of his closed disciples and one of them is Dr. Dara J. Bhesania.

Dr. Dara J. Bhesania.


A great soul incarnated on this planet on 2nd March, 1919 in a Parsi family of Mumbai. Named given to the child was SOLI.  Surname of family was Tavaria. 

Right from the childhood, the boy was mischievous so his parents sent him to a boarding school in Mumbai. As he said, there he met his Master at the age of seven years. His Master taught him the science of Rhythm and study of the scriptures. Once at the age of five, he spontaneously started chanting Gayatri mantra. He found that the Almighty has bestowed Grace upon him.

The boy came with spiritual powers so he started predicting. Once a man was seated with the school Principal and this boy was there. This Man was talking about the ill health of his son. The Boy heard and said, but he will be no longer!! And this happened.  This saying continued for life time. Many a times he was jokingly telling that he had swallowed a colour T. V.  So he can see anything.

Since last past many lives he was practicing Yoga under Maharshi  Patanjali’s tradition. So he started his Yoga practices at the age of seven. He completed his school study and then engineering study. He was electrical-mechanical engineer. He started his job in the Bombay port and reached as a vice president. Ten thousand workers working under him and many of them were mavali type porters. In his career he never preached sermon to anyone. But due to his pious vibrations many left vices and became good men. This was the power of spirituality.

He didn’t want to be married but his Master forced him to get married. He brought two souls on the earth as his pious duty. After leaving his job he started business but because of forgery by his colleague he had great loss in the business. He had a fiery aspiration in the life so no loss could stop his spiritual practices. 

In 1981 he started giving lectures on Yoga system to a small group once in a month till April, 1994- his passing away year. The huge amounts of notes have been published as Discourses On yoga part- I to III. Moreover he explained a journey of soul – from the first birth to last birth, of salvation- moksha in his great book “The Purpose of Birth and Death” ( A big volume of 415 pages ). And his classic work was Yoga Sutra of Sage Patanjali because he rearranged all 195 sutras in 5 books (chapters) including practices of every stage. So he said it- Exposition & practices.

He did not go out of Mumbai for preaching of yoga till 1988. He went to Mysore twice and then started to come to Gujarat – beginning from Madhavpur.  His teaching was simple and based on Nature’s rhythm. He discovered the ancient technique of breathing with rhythm which he called “3 step rhythmic breathing”.  One has to maintain 12 breaths per minute for 24 hours as natural breathing so that mind can be restrained and one can live peacefully. This is a great technique to reach the stage of pratyahar.  Moreover, he has given 6 exercises of fast breathing ( 36 cycles ), each for one minute.  This is called “Refining exercises” and one spiritual practice called Gold nugget.  So 7 minutes a day – the shortest course of yoga in the world.

Shri Tavaria ji had completely developed his body biologically so he could survive with only one meal in two days. He never ate before 48 hours. With the empty stomach he was active whole day.

 Every year in the May he used to go to Sangli (Maharashtra) where chess national competition was held,  to encourage participants as he too was a good chess player.  In May 1994 he went there and he left his physical body on 29th there.  Before this happened he was telling frequently that now I have very less time. If you want to know anything, come and learn.  And suddenly on 29th early morning he left this physical world for celestial home (Mahakal) consciously. 

He showed the true sign of achieving yoga is conscious birth and conscious death.  Conscious death is a stage where a Yogi leaves his body with total awareness and consciousness.  If one becomes unconscious during death, then he is not a Yogi.  Means after death he knows where he is going with awareness which is not possible for a lay man.

This is a short story of a great soul.

His motto was-

Breathe in love, breathe out forgiveness.


एक महान आत्मा का अवतरण इस ग्रह पर दि. २ मार्च १९१९ ईस्वी में मुंबई में स्थित पारसी परिवार में हुआ। उनको नाम दिया गया सोली और उनके परिवार का उपनाम तावरिया था।

बचपन में वो इतने शरारती थे कि उनके माता-पिता ने उन्हे आवासीय विद्यालय में भेजने का निर्णय लिया, वहां उनकी शिक्षा-दीक्षा पूर्ण हुई। उनके कथनानुसार वहां ही उन्हें अपने महान गुरु का सानिध्य प्राप्त हुआ। अपने गुरु के माध्यम से ही उन्हें लय, ताल अथॉत् यौगिक रिदम का ज्ञान प्राप्त हुआ। साथ ही साथ शास्त्रों का भी ज्ञान प्राप्त हुआ। पांच वर्ष की अवस्था में एक दिन अनायास गायत्री मंत्र का उच्चारण शुरू हुआ और उन्होंने महसूस किया कि सर्वशक्तिमान परम तत्व का विशेष आशीर्वाद उन पर उतरा है।

यह बच्चा जो अध्यात्मिक शक्तियों से परिपूर्ण होकर आया था वह लोगों का भविष्य भी देख सकता था। एक बार एक व्यक्ति विद्यालय के प्राध्यापक के पास बैठा था और वह बालक भी वही उपस्थित था और वह व्यक्ति अपने बच्चे के स्वास्थ्य के बारे में चर्चा कर रहा था तभी उस बालक ने सुना और कहा कहा कि वह अब जीवित नहीं रहेगा और ऐसा ही घटित भी हुआ। ऐसी ही भविष्यवाणी का क्रम जीवन भर चलता रहा। कई बार व्यंग स्वरूप में कहते थे कि मैंने रंगीन टीवी को निगल लिया है इसीलिए सभी जीवों के बारे में ज्ञात हो जाता है।

श्री तावरिया जी कई जन्मों से महर्षि पतंजलि की परंपरा से साधना करते आ रहे थे तभी अपनी योग की शुरुआत ७ साल की अवस्था में ही शुरू हो गई। उन्होंने अपने विद्यालय की शिक्षा के बाद इंजीनियरिंग की शिक्षा भी प्राप्त की। उन्होंने दो शाखाओं में इलेक्ट्रिकल और मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंग की शिक्षा पूर्ण की थी और २ विषयों में उन्होंने एम. ए. तक की भी शिक्षा ली थी। स्वर-नाडी के शास्त्र के साथ ही साथ होमियोपैथी चिकित्सा में भी उनकी गहरी रुचि थी। तत्पश्चात अपना कार्यभार मुंबई पोर्ट से शुरू कर के वाईस प्रेसिडेंट पद तक की ऊंची चोटी पर पहुंचे। १०००० मजदूरों के साथ उन्होंने अपना कार्यभार संभाला।

वहा के ज्यादातर मजदूरों का चरित्र बिगड़ा हुआ था, परंतु उन्होंने किसी को भी सुधारने के उद्देश्य से कोई उपदेश नहीं दिया परंतु उनके आध्यात्मिक शक्ति के तरंगों के प्रभाव से वे सब अपनी बुरी आदतों को छोड़कर अच्छे इंसान में परिवर्तित हो गए। वे शादी के बंधन में नहीं बनना चाहते थे परंतु अपने गुरु की आज्ञा को शिरोधार्य करके गृहस्थ आश्रम में प्रवेश किया। अपना पवित्र दायित्व को पूरा करते हुए दो बच्चों के पिता बने। अपनी सेवानिवृत्ति के बाद उन्होंने व्यवसाय शुरू किया परंतु साझेदार के धोखाधड़ी के कारण व्यवसाय में बहुत बड़ा नुकसान हुआ। उनका तपस्वी व्यक्तित्व ने जीवन के किसी भी नुकसान से अध्यात्मिक साधना में समझौता नहीं होने दिया।

१९८१ ईस्वी से उन्होंने मुंबई के एक छोटे से समूह में इस योग-शिक्षा पर व्याख्यान शुरू किए और १९९४ तक जब तक वे जीवित रहे, देते रहे। बहुत ही बड़ी मात्रा में योग -विधि (प्रणाली) पर उनके व्याख्यान ( Discourses On Yoga part I to IIl ) को प्रकाशित किया गया है। इसके अतिरिक्त उन्होंने आत्मा की प्रथम जन्म से लेकर अंतिम जन्म – मोक्ष तक की यात्रा का वर्णन महान और वृहद ग्रंथ (४१५ पृष्टों वाला) “जीवन और मृत्यु का उद्देश्य” (“The Purpose of Birth and Death”) में किया है। उनका उत्कृष्ट कार्य योगसूत्र के १९५ सूत्रों को ५ किताबों में पुनः ग्रथित करना है। ईस संबंधित अभ्यास को उन्होंने पहले अनुभव किया फिर प्रतिपादित किया (So he said it -Exposition & practices).

श्री तावरिया जी योग के प्रचारक नहीं थे अतः वे मुंबई से बाहर नहीं जाते थे। लेकिन वे सिर्फ दो बार मैसूर ब्रीडिंग एक्सरसाइज सिखाने गए थे। तत्पश्चात उनकी योगशिक्षा की यात्रा गुजरात के माधवपुर से शुरू हुई। इनकी योगशिक्षा सरल एवं प्रकृति के लय (Rhythm)पर आधारित है। इन्होंने बहुत ही पुरातन विधियां या तकनीक को ताल और लय के साथ स्थापित किया जिसका नाम थ्री स्टेप रिदामिक ब्रीडिंग (Three Step Rhythmic Breathing) रखा है। अगर कोई व्यक्ति में १ मिनट में १२ श्वास की गति, वह भी स्वाभाविक रूप से २४ घंटे चलती रहे तो मन शांत हो जाता है और व्यक्ति आगे का योगाभ्यास असानी से कर सकता है। प्रत्याहार तक पहुंचने के लिए यह महत्वपूर्ण तकनीकी अभ्यास है। हालांकि उन्होंने १ मिनट में ३६ स्वास का आवर्तन से की जाने वाली ६ कसरतें को प्रस्तुत किया है जिसे शरीर मन की शुद्धिकरण की प्रक्रिया (Refining exercises) नाम दिया है। एक अध्यात्मिक अभ्यास जिसे उन्होंने गोल्ड नगेट की संज्ञा दी है। उनके अनुसार ७ मिनटों की यौगिक प्रक्रिया अगर रोज की जाए तो यह संसार की सबसे छोटी अवधि का योगाभ्यास की श्रेणी में है और उनका दावा था कि इसके जरिए संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य को प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। उनके संबंध में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि वह कहा करते थे कि वह मैं जो अनुभव करता हूं उतना ही मुझे कहने का अधिकार प्राप्त है। श्री तावरिया जी ने अपने शरीर के जैविकीय रचना को इस तरह विकसित किया था कि वे २ दिनों के अंतराल में ही भोजन किया करते थे। घंटे की नींद, ४८ घंटे के पश्चात भोजन फिर भी वह पूरे दिन ऊर्जावान बने रहते थे। ७६ वर्ष की आयु तक असमान्य स्वास्थ्य के धनी रहे।

प्रत्येक वर्ष मई के महीने में वह सांगली (महाराष्ट्र) जाया करते थे जहां पर शतरंज की राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर प्रतियोगिता आयोजित की जाती थी। वहां वह प्रतियोगियों को उत्साहित करते क्योंकि वो स्वयं अच्छे शतरंज के खिलाड़ी थे। इसी मई महीने के १९९४ ईस्वी के २९ को उन्होंने अपने इस भौतिक शरीर का स्वेच्छा से त्याग किया। इस संदर्भ में वो लगातार कहा करते थे कि अब मेरे पास बहुत कम समय बचा है, जिसे जो भी सीखना है आओ और सीखो। 

योग के माध्यम से जागृति के साथ जन्म और मृत्यु को प्राप्त किया जा सकता है वह उन्होंने कर दिखाया। जागृत या सचेतन मृत्यु का अर्थ है कि योगी उस शरीर को जागरूकता और सचेतनता के साथ छोड़ता है। अगर वह बेहोश या अचेतन हो जाता है तो इसका अर्थ है कि वह सच्चा योगी नहीं है। मतलब वह जागरूकता के साथ जानता है कि मृत्यु के पश्चात वह कहा जा रहा है जो सामान्य इंसान नहीं समझ सकता।
यही एक महान आत्मा की संक्षिप्त कहानी है। उनका शीषॅवाक्य है,

हर श्वास के साथ प्रेमभाव,
हर उच्छश्वास के साथ क्षमाभाव।

(Breathe in love, breathe out forgiveness)

Introduction of Dr. Dara Bhesania

Shri Tavaria ji has given responsibility to teach and spread his teachings to some of his closed disciples and one of them is Dr. Dara J. Bhesania.

Dr. Dara is certified Hatha yoga teacher since last 45 years and now teaching Shri Tavaria ji’s yoga practices since 1994. He is giving online lectures on Shri Tavaria ji’s system every Sunday and running his channel on YouTube where all lectures are uploaded. He conducts yoga shibir all over India in Hindi so that many people can understand this system.
This website will give playlist of his lectures and link of Sunday lecture.

 Inspiration & Guidance:-

Behind every great work inspiration and guidance are very much needed. Our great source of inspiration is Shri S. N. Tavaria ji himself but also at physical level inspiration and guidance are needed. This loss of inspiration is filled by Dr. Dara Bhesania. He is always with us and whenever we ask for any guidance he promptly gives it.


For Good Health, Creative Insight and Emotional Equanimity

1. The way we breathe and 3SRB:
Firstly, our breathing is structurally shallow, since we do not use both upper and lower lobes of the chest, In other words, it is partial, and not total. Normally, we breathe from the lower lobe four chest. It is easier to do so as the rib cage being broader in lower lobe, permit easier movement of the lungs. With lower partial breathing, the intake of oxygen is less than needed by the body. By breathing fully and simultaneously from both upper and lower lobes we do not starve the body of needed oxygen. This in fact is the technique suggested by Patanjali in Three Step Rhythmic Breathing (3SRB).
Secondly, we must note that 3SRB not being an exercise, (except in the beginning stage) does not call for deep breathing. The quantum of breathing. and no special efforts need be made to make breathing deep or heavy. Because of total breathing, the intake of oxygen inspite of fewer cycles is not affected; in fact it is enhanced. Thirdly, 3SRB injects a rhythmic movement in the way we breathe by regulating breath cycles. Rhythm pervades the entire universe. If one observes the sea far out, and the waves riding on the surface of the water, one would notice a forward-backward rhythmic movement. Seasons have their own rhythm. An infant may breathe faster but the movement of his diaphragm is rhythmic. When disaster strikes a Yogi, he may meet the challenge appropriately at the action level but inside his respiratory system, the diaphragm will continue to move rhythmically. Lastly, the speed with which we breathe gradually becomes faster over the years due to excitement, anxiety and aggression fostered by a competitive and ruthless way of living.

This is not the case with infants and children, although infants breathe faster due to imperative growth. Nevertheless their breathing is rhythmic. Most of us breathe about 15 or more times a minute. In one day of 24 hours or 1440 minutes, we breathe about 21,600 times. We should slow down our speed of breathing as suggested by Patanjali and breathe 12 times a minute. Taking 5 seconds per very complete cycle of inhalation and exhalation, we would then breathe approximately 4,500 times a day less, thus saving an enormous amount of energy everyday of our remaining life. The total energy saved in this way is mind-boggling. What is not wasted is conserved. It would be interesting if scientists, interested in testing Patanjali’s proposition, would calculate, in some measurable units, the vast energy saved in this way by reducing the number of cycles of breath in 3SRB.

2. The impact of 3SRB on Body-Brain Functions:
The human cell is living entity. Each cell performs highly specialized functions with amazing intelligence. The cells in the stomach, pancreas, and
lungs and in the grey matter constituting the brain, all have specialized functions, carried out with complexity and precision that can be more than match the most sophisticated computer. Human beings, through non-use and wrong use, influence their performance in the direction of irregularity and pathology. Even when so disturbed, they have capacity to relearn their function. The intra and inter cell movement of blood cells as they flow through the receptors of the lungs can be re-educated to function with health and harmony through the impact of 3SRB.

Firstly, the total breathing imposed by 3SRB improves the very functions of the cells in depositing carbon-dioxide and imbibing oxygen. Thus energized continuously for 24 hours blood cells moving to al parts of the body, including the fine capillaries within the brain, provide the much needed adequate oxygen to the brain. Brain cells die if devoid of oxygen for more than a few minutes. Secondly, injecting rhythm facilitates the subsiding of turbulence in the river of thought. As the blood cells spurt along the journey of circulation and reach the lungs, they change their pulsating, movements due to the impact of 3SRB. Irregular pulsations, due to collection of emotional debris, pickup the rhythmic movement of breath in lungs by repeated visits. We are told the entire blood in the body circulates twice per minute through the lungs. Every time this happens, blood cells pick up the tempo and rhythm rhythmic breathing and transmit it to the brain cells. Thirdly, slow breathing cycles slow down movements of thought, and thereby assist clearer observation. Breathing is the function of the movement of the diaphragm, one of the most important organs in the body according to Yoga. We breathe in accordance with the movement of the diaphragm and it speeds determines that of breath. The movement of diaphragm is given the right speed through 3SRB. 

Since breathing and thinking are solely inter-woven, it follows a corollary that with a slower rhythmic breathing the movement of thought itself slows down. Every minute we think 7,200 thoughts. Continuous 3SRB reduces the rate of thinking to approximately 1,200 per minute or 20 per second thus permitting attention to be much sharper and clearer. Just as we can observe the movement of a game more clearly if projected on the screen in slow motion, we can be attentive to the movement of thoughts much more clearly if the speed of the flow of thoughts is reduced. 3SRB reduces the speed of thought from 120 per second to 20 per second, and thus enables us to observe our thinking with clarity. This leads as a corollary to the enhancements of attention.

3. Advantages of 3SRB:
1. Shallow and partial breathing becomes deep and whole. Correct amount of oxygen is thus supplied to the brain-body system. Inspite of the fact that the quantum of oxygen taken is normal.
2. The speed with which we breathe is slowed down from approximately 15 to 20 cycles per minute thereby saving 4,500 breath cycles per day -an enormous
saving of energy day in and day out. 3. Rhythm and order are injected into the breathing system thereby quieting and relaxing the river of thought within the brain. This leads to stress reduction and healthier and saner living.
4. The slowing of breath reduces the rate of thinking from 7,200 thoughts to 1,200 per minute or 20 per second, permitting much clearer observation of the process of thinking.
5. 3SRB helps us unfold natural moral value and hence refine thinking process. If there is freedom from past and present social conditioning consciously brought about, then 3SRB a state of quietism in which the brain centers evolve into their natural functions without interventions.
6. 3SRB opens up possibility if receiving a new source of energy from the astral body by synchronizing the time, rhythm and cycle breathing with astral body’s prana intake.
All the above benefits are woven unto a process of breathing which can continue for 24 hours a day without outside help. Patanjali considers this as one of the most important benefits.

3SRB Method
Let us now understand the actual method of 3SRB. There are three facets to it.
Normally we breathe partially and mainly from lower lobe. In 3SRB breathing is done with both lobes functioning simultaneously. This is total breathing. To start with, lie flat, keep a relatively heavy book on each of the upper and lower lobes and ensure simultaneous breathing by both lobes. In other words, both lobes must rise and fall at the same time and more or less in equal measures as you breathe in and out. Practice this for about four to five days.
The quantum of air inhaled and exhaled must be what is usually normal with us- neither too deep nor too shallow. Only note that the exhalation should be slightly more forceful (not faster) than inhalation. After practicing for three or four days, go on to the next step.
Our normal breathing varies from 14 to 20 cycles of breath per minute. The recommended breathing is 12 cycles of inhalation cum exhalation per minute. This means each cycle should not exceed five seconds (six pulse beats). The exact rhythm is inhaling and counting one, two, three seconds and exhaling counting five, six by seconds. Use a time watch to start with to ensure the suggested time pattern which is five seconds per completed cycle or 12 cycles per minute. This technique has been accepted by the Committee of Psychoneuro Immunologists. (U.S.A.)